Saltwater Fish
Xyrichtys pavo

Species Description…

Scientific Name: Xyrichtys pavo
Common Name: Peacock Wrasse
Species Group: Wrasses
Habitat: Reef Safe
Care Level: Intermediate
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet Type: Carnivore
Role in Aquarium: Community Fish
Max Fish Length: 11 (inches)
Min Aquarium Size: 75 (gallons)
Native Range: Eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea
Xyrichtys Pavo - The Peacock Wrasse

Xyrichtys Pavo (The Peacock Wrasse)


  • Native to the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, typically inhabiting sandy bottoms and seagrass meadows.
  • Noted for its vivid, iridescent coloration, with a stunning blend of green, blue, and red hues.
  • An active and visually captivating species known for its unique swimming style and vibrant display.
  • Exhibits a shy temperament initially, often burying itself in the sand when startled or during nighttime.
  • Best suited for aquariums featuring ample swimming areas, sandy substrates, and stable, pristine water conditions.


  • Carnivorous, naturally feeding on small crustaceans, marine worms, mollusks, and other invertebrates in the wild.
  • Thrives on a diet consisting of frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, enriched plankton, and quality marine pellets.
  • May require time to adapt to prepared foods; initially benefits greatly from live or frozen feedings.
  • Should be fed small amounts multiple times daily to support its active lifestyle and maintain energy levels.
  • A varied diet contributes to the maintenance of vibrant coloration and overall health.


  • Commonly found in sandy-bottom reef areas, seagrass beds, and shallow coastal zones across the Indo-Pacific.
  • Frequently observed burying itself in the sand for protection or rest.
  • Aquarium setups must have a deep sandy substrate to accommodate its natural burrowing behavior.
  • Stable water conditions, good water circulation, and high-quality filtration systems are essential.
  • Providing open swimming space along with sandy areas encourages natural behavior and comfort.

Fish Care

  • Optimal water temperature: 74-80°F (23-27°C) to maintain ideal metabolic and immune functions.
  • Preferred pH range: 8.1-8.4, with a salinity level of 1.020-1.025.
  • Regular water changes and effective filtration are essential to maintaining high water quality and preventing stress-related diseases.
  • Generally reef-compatible, although caution is advised as it may occasionally prey on very small shrimp or invertebrates.
  • Ensuring proper substrate depth and frequent feeding maintains optimal health and reduces stress.


  • Typically peaceful, making it suitable for community tanks with other non-aggressive marine species.
  • Compatible with larger, peaceful tankmates such as tangs, clownfish, anthias, and peaceful wrasses.
  • Should not be kept with highly aggressive or predatory fish that could intimidate or stress the wrasse.
  • Works well in mixed-species aquariums, particularly with fish that inhabit different swimming levels or niches.
  • Providing adequate hiding spaces and visual barriers helps maintain harmony in the aquarium.

Aquarium Behavior

  • Known for its unique swimming patterns, often gracefully gliding above the substrate.
  • Frequently engages in burying behavior, especially when feeling threatened or during periods of rest.
  • Initial shyness typically diminishes over time as the fish becomes accustomed to aquarium life.
  • Providing structured rockwork, sandy substrate, and hiding spots allows for a natural and stress-free environment.
  • Over time, the Peacock Wrasse often recognizes its caretaker and exhibits eagerness during feeding times, actively approaching for food.

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