Saltwater Fish
Anampses meleagrides

Species Description…

Scientific Name: Anampses meleagrides
Common Name: Spotted Wrasse
Species Group: Wrasses
Habitat: Reef Safe with Caution
Care Level: Advanced
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet Type: Carnivore
Role in Aquarium: Cleanup Crew
Max Fish Length: 7 (inches)
Min Aquarium Size: 90 (gallons)
Native Range: Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea, Indonesia, and the Great Barrier Reef
Anampses Meleagrides - The Spotted Wrasse

Anampses Meleagrides (The Spotted Wrasse)


  • Found throughout the Indo-Pacific, often in coral-rich lagoons and reef slopes.
  • Recognized for its dark body adorned with bright white spots, creating a striking contrast.
  • An active species known for its continuous swimming and energetic personality.
  • A favored species among aquarists due to its unique pattern and engaging behavior.


  • Carnivorous, primarily consuming small invertebrates, copepods, and marine worms.
  • Accepts a variety of high-quality frozen, live, and pellet foods.
  • Regular feedings of nutrient-rich meals help maintain vibrant coloration and energy.
  • Encouraging a varied diet supports long-term health and natural foraging instincts.


  • Typically inhabits reef environments with rocky formations and sandy patches.
  • Requires stable water parameters with moderate to strong current flow.
  • Best suited for aquariums that provide ample hiding spots and swimming areas.
  • Thrives in mature reef tanks with a well-established biological balance.

Fish Care

  • Preferred water temperature: 74-80°F (23-27°C).
  • Optimal pH: 8.1-8.4, with a salinity level between 1.020-1.025.
  • Can be sensitive to changes in water quality, requiring stable conditions.
  • Routine water changes and strong filtration contribute to overall health.
  • Providing a fine sand substrate allows them to burrow when resting or stressed.


  • Generally peaceful but may establish dominance over smaller, timid fish.
  • Compatible with tank mates such as tangs, butterflyfish, and other wrasses.
  • Not recommended to be housed with highly aggressive or territorial species.
  • Does well in a reef setting with proper space to roam and hide.

Aquarium Behavior

  • Highly active swimmer, constantly foraging and patrolling the aquarium.
  • Displays natural hunting instincts by picking at rock crevices for small prey.
  • Often buries itself in the sand at night for protection and rest.
  • Providing a well-structured environment supports its natural behaviors and well-being.

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