Saltwater Fish
Siganus virgatus

Species Description…

Scientific Name: Siganus virgatus
Common Name: Striped Rabbitfish
Species Group: Surgeonfish
Habitat: Reef Safe
Care Level: Intermediate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Diet Type: Herbivore
Role in Aquarium: Community Fish
Max Fish Length: 12 (inches)
Min Aquarium Size: 75 (gallons)
Native Range: Indo-Pacific, including Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Great Barrier Reef
Siganus Virgatus - The Barhead Spinefoot

Siganus Virgatus - The Barhead Spinefoot


  • Commonly known as the Barhead Spinefoot or Doublebar Rabbitfish.
  • Native to the Indo-Pacific region, often found in shallow coastal reefs and lagoons.
  • Recognized for its distinctive bar-like markings on its head and elongated body.
  • A popular choice for reef aquariums due to its algae-eating habits and unique appearance.


  • Herbivorous diet, primarily consuming marine algae and seagrasses.
  • Requires a diet rich in vegetable-based foods, including seaweed, spirulina, and marine algae sheets.
  • Can be supplemented with high-quality herbivore pellets and blanched vegetables.
  • Providing a varied diet helps maintain vibrant coloration and overall health.


  • Typically found in shallow reef environments with abundant algae growth.
  • Prefers stable water conditions with moderate to strong currents.
  • Requires a minimum 100-gallon tank due to its active swimming nature and adult size.
  • Best kept in a well-established aquarium with live rock for grazing.

Fish Care

  • Optimal water temperature: 74-80°F (23-27°C).
  • Ideal pH level: 8.1-8.4, with a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025.
  • Requires strong filtration and regular water changes to maintain water quality.
  • Has venomous spines that can deliver a painful sting if handled carelessly.
  • Providing ample swimming space and hiding spots reduces stress and promotes natural behavior.


  • Generally peaceful but may become territorial if space is limited.
  • Compatible with reef-safe fish such as tangs, wrasses, and clownfish.
  • Should not be housed with aggressive fish that may harass or stress it.
  • Does well in community aquariums but may occasionally nip at soft corals.

Aquarium Behavior

  • Active swimmer that requires ample open space.
  • Spends most of its time grazing on algae from rocks and aquarium surfaces.
  • Generally peaceful but can show territorial tendencies toward similar species.
  • Providing a well-balanced diet and structured environment encourages natural behavior.

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