Popular Saltwater Fish Species for your Aquarium
Here are some of the most popular saltwater fish species that are commonly kept in aquariums, each with unique characteristics and care requirements.
A common rule of thumb for how many marine fish you can keep in an aquarium is to allow 1 inch of fish per gallon of water; however, this can vary depending on the specific fish species and their size, with reef tanks generally requiring even more space per fish due to their larger waste output and need for swimming room.
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Ward’s Sleeper Goby
The Golden Head Sleeper Goby
Twin-Spot Goby
Barhead Spinefoot
Yellowstripe Anthias
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific, commonly found on coral-rich reef slopes and drop-offs. Recognizable by its vibrant purple body with a distinctive bright yellow stripe running along its dorsal region. A schooling species admired for its striking colors and active...
Carberry’s Anthias
Shortnose Unicornfish
Rock Beauty
Queen Angelfish
Sharknose Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Watanabe’s Angelfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Rainford’s Goby
Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby
Steinitz’s Shrimp Goby
Randall’s Shrimp Goby
Wide-Banded Shrimp Goby
Purple Tang
Brown Tang
Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang
Diamond Goby
Blackray Shrimp Goby
Fathead Sunburst Anthias
Purple Queen Anthias
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific region, typically inhabiting outer reef slopes and deep coral reef environments. Characterized by its stunning lavender-purple coloration with subtle yellow accents on fins and face. Known for active schooling behavior and striking...
Bartlett’s Anthias
Overview Native to the Pacific Ocean, particularly common in coral reefs around the Marshall Islands and the Central Pacific. Features a striking coloration with vibrant yellow body, purplish-red upper half, and striking lavender highlights on fins. A schooling...