Popular Saltwater Fish Species for your Aquarium
Here are some of the most popular saltwater fish species that are commonly kept in aquariums, each with unique characteristics and care requirements.
A common rule of thumb for how many marine fish you can keep in an aquarium is to allow 1 inch of fish per gallon of water; however, this can vary depending on the specific fish species and their size, with reef tanks generally requiring even more space per fish due to their larger waste output and need for swimming room.
Sailfin Tang
Tobacco Basslet
Shortnose Unicornfish
Purple Tilefish
Sixline Soapfish
Yellowtail Coris Wrasse
Spanish Hogfish
Twospot Cardinalfish
Cinnamon Clownfish
Whitecheek Tang
Peacock Wrasse
Sixbar Wrasse
Pajama Cardinalfish
Orange-Spotted Spinefoot
Arabian Picasso Triggerfish
Convict Blenny
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific region, typically inhabiting coral reefs and rocky crevices. Distinctive eel-like body with striking black and white horizontal stripes, resembling a "convict" pattern. Known for its unique burrowing and schooling behavior, often...
Naso Tang
Overview Found in the Indo-Pacific region. Known for their distinctive appearance, including a prominent nose horn (more developed in males) and vibrant coloration. They have a laterally compressed body and a lunate tail. Naso tangs are active swimmers and often seen...
Cleaner Wrasse
Dusky Wrasse
Pastel Green Wrasse
Bicolor Blenny
Harlequin Tuskfish
Peacock Grouper
Split-Level Hogfish
Clown Triggerfish
Indian Ocean Mimic Tang
Lined Surgeonfish
Achilles Tang
Yellow Tang
Rectangle Triggerfish
Smith’s Fangblenny
Marcos’ Wrasse
White-streaked Grouper
Clown Wrasse
Spotfin Hogfish
Threadfin Cardinalfish
Tomato Clownfish
Purple Tang
Blue Throat Triggerfish
Halfmoon Triggerfish
Foxface Rabbitfish
Coral Rabbitfish
Picasso Triggerfish
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Overview Native to the Western Pacific Ocean. Known for the elongated filaments on the dorsal fin of males, used in their flashing displays. Small and slender-bodied, with vibrant coloration that intensifies during courtship. Peaceful and active, preferring reef...
Peacock Wrasse
Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
Radiant Wrasse
Bird Wrasse
Kole Tang
Five-lined Cardinalfish
Half Black Angelfish
Blackfin Hogfish
Orange-Lined Cardinalfish
Convict Tang
Powder Blue Surgeonfish
Sargassum Triggerfish
Sixline Wrasse
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific, commonly found in coral reefs and rocky lagoons. Distinctive appearance with vibrant purple-blue body marked by six horizontal orange-red lines. Popular in aquariums for its active behavior and pest control, known to feed on small...
Fourline Wrasse
Zigzag Wrasse
Speckled Blue Grouper
Solar Fairy Wrasse
Queen Triggerfish
Spotted Wrasse
Saddleback Clownfish
Brown Tang
Lyretail Grouper
Belted Wrasse
One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
Lawnmower Blenny
Banggai Cardinalfish
Overview Endemic to the Banggai Islands of Indonesia, typically inhabiting shallow reefs and seagrass beds. Recognizable for its distinctive silver body, bold black vertical stripes, and white spots. Calm and peaceful nature, making it suitable for community reef...
Blue Tang
Allen’s Wrasse
Blue Hamlet
Checkerboard Wrasse
Leopard Blenny
Humpback Grouper
Bluelined Hind
Herald’s Angelfish
Diana’s Hogfish
Ochre-striped Cardinalfish
Mimic Tang
Powder Brown Surgeonfish
Barhead Spinefoot
Striated Wrasse
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific region, typically inhabiting coral-rich reefs and rocky areas. Characterized by its slender, reddish body with horizontal white stripes and iridescent blue markings on the face and fins. Known for being shy and secretive, often seen...
Goldspot Blenny
Tail-spot wrasse
Red Sea Mimic Blenny
Redfin Fairy Wrasse
Seale’s Cardinalfish
Saddleback Clownfish
Sohal Tang
Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang
Moon Wrasse
Orbiculate Cardinalfish
Magnificent Rabbitfish
Blackbelly Triggerfish
Bluestriped Fangblenny
Overview Native to the Indo-Pacific region, commonly found near coral reefs and lagoon habitats. Distinctive slender body with alternating bright blue and black horizontal stripes. Known for its unique behavior of mimicking cleaner wrasses to approach other fish and...
Bluespine Unicorn Tang
Overview Found in the Indo-Pacific region. Known for their distinctive long horn-like protrusion on their forehead, which develops with age. They have a laterally compressed body and a lunate tail. Unicorn tangs are active swimmers and often seen grazing on algae....
Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
Overview Found in the Indo-Pacific region. Known for their role in cleaning other fish by removing parasites. They have a slender body and a distinctive swimming pattern. Cleaner wrasses establish cleaning stations on the reef. Feeding They are primarily carnivores....